In Her Eyes

In her eyes
He sees something real
Within her eyes
He searches for answers
Reflecting off her eyes
He sees a smile he hardly recognizes  
Deep in her eyes
He’s greeted with a sincerity he’s never known
A rainbow of hope hovers over the far horizon

He can offer her time
He can offer her patience 
“When you’re ready…”
Pacing he is 
Hoping he is
Praying he is
Anticipating a reality of what is now just a fantasy, these feelings he brings on himself
Before her eyes
His mind lacked peace 
Without her eyes
Missing he was a desire to improve his inner being
Since her eyes
His vision was clearer than crystal
Rooted in her eyes
An understanding, compassion, and a dream that he’s never known 
Holding his head high, he finds purpose to be something more

He can offer her time
He can offer her patience 
“When you’re ready…”
Pacing he is 
Hoping he is
Praying he is
Anticipating a reality of what is now just a fantasy, these feelings he brings on himself

Fixated upon her eyes
He’ll give the only life he’s known for a single chance
Lost in her eyes
The single tear sliding down his cheek conveys emotions that words don’t know
Recalling her eyes
Evoking memories of what he’s wanted ever since he can remember 
Because of her eyes
He strives to be the person he has always thought he could be 
Grasping to breathe as he imagines the possibilities that might lie ahead

It's a little bit harder for me to remember my exact emotions when writing this poem. The speaker is obviously infatuated with the subject. It's the feeling of being totally mesmerized by the eyes of another. He's hopeful, but he's also scared that he might be setting himself up for something that might never happen.

Written in 2007

Copyright, The Poetry of Bryan Buser


Before We Could Be


I Shut It Off