If Not This

In the company of seemingly thousands, guests fronted with smiles so genuine 
Laughter fills this room, and the conversations flow around me with ease
I look over both shoulders and wonder why I am forced to feel less
To my left, to my right, wondering why it is that I’m always that saddest one in the room  

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

Coated with good-natured banter that clings to my outer shell
Delivered from acquaintances, friends, and strangers that I deem all to be liars 
This impermeable skin keeps their words and untruths from touching within 
Instead, I survey those around and wonder where the disappointment will strike from next

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

Battling myself to keep my chin from sinking towards my chest
Paining myself immensely as I try my hardest to meet these people eye to eye
Pretending as best as I can to show even the slightest bit of interest
Wishing the whole time for this attention to be turned towards somebody else

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

With nothing to offer or a desire to try, I look for my way out
Sliding off first to the side and then to the room’s back, my hand fumbles with the exit door
Believing I can long be gone before my disappearance is even the slightest bit noticed 
A deep, heavy breath released as my eyes scan the crowd one final time

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

The drive out is long and windy; the dampness and coldness of the night add to its ambiance 
I wonder aloud why I’m so incapable of forming or sustaining any meaningful relationships
I yearn for purpose or meaning, but hope has left me, and it’s just not coming back
And so I allow myself to deteriorate in this loneliness; I swallow myself whole with this emptiness 
If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

Returning to my space, tucked away from the external world that fails me 
With a couple of pens and a ream of blank paper, for a brief moment, I’m suited just fine
I revisit a life of situations created and indulge myself with characters who I know completely 
Restoring in myself an idea of acceptance, it’s these single instances that offer me comfort

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

Releasing these pent up frustrations, I write with unrestrained fury
Without restraint, I express my thoughts, pouring over each word
Into the late hours of the night, I write before shear fatigue begins to overwhelm me 
Into the early hours of the morning, I write before pure exhaustion sets in

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

In this hole I could forever dwell, yet circumstances again force me out
These defined responsibilities and obligations rule my everyday life
Anguished and worn-out, I prepare myself again for the day ahead  
Wondering, first in my head and then aloud, if this is as good as it’s going to get

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

With concealed eyes and a polluted heart, I perform my tasks with due diligence
While avoiding conversation and sidestepping confrontation at all costs
I stagger through the motions of what I suppose I should call a life
While praying more and more often that I’ll soon be taken away 

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

When my eyes look lost, it’s because I feel plagued by my thoughts
When it appears as if I’m about to crumble, it’s because I’m so overcome with depression
When I fail to contribute, it’s because I’ve lost the desire to be part of anything more
When I fail to respond, it’s because I’m disinterested in attempting to even pretend

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

Isolated again with endless opportunities for these thoughts to creep back in
Saturated with uncertainty, flooded with absolute confusion
This haunting ambiguity once again exerts its force
Without resistance, I allow these doubts to strike me slowly and defeat me wholly

If not this, then that
If not here, then there
If not now, then later
Defeated and robbed, beaten until numb
Left as I am, a less selfish me

The depression is always right around the corner. It will never leave forever, no matter what you do.

Written in 2009

Copyright, The Poetry of Bryan Buser




If I Stay