
Watching and waiting
Wanting and wavering just the same
You with another
As they line up in succession
One by one by one by one
Yearning for an opportunity
A chance to break this barrier
Most will fail
Falling hard in the process
But the few who succeed
Delay the opportunity
One perhaps shutting the hope completely
My one and only action is nonaction
Stuck on the formative side of the divide
Needing to feel special
Longing for my chance
A chance to scale this wall
A chance to join you
A chance to do you right
A chance to do it right
Before I do it wrong

Just waiting for your chance with that one person who seems to have no desire to give you a chance. Not wanting to settle for something less than you perceive to be your dream person, but understanding that maybe you will never achieve this dream. Waiting and waiting for something that may never come.

Written in 2003

Copyright, The Poetry of Bryan Buser


But Sometimes I'm Not


Depression In Love